Posted by: Santa Barbara Dreaming | October 26, 2008

Another Japanese Recipe! – Satsumaimo dumplings

Here’s another Japanese recipe. (actually, there’s two recipes. Bonus!)

The recipes use the ingredient Satsumaimo (satsu-ma imo). They are Japanese Sweet Potatoes. They look like this:



They have a purple outer skin, and the inside is yellow.

Inside is pretty yellow, not orange like American Sweet Potatoes

Inside is pretty yellow, not orange like American Sweet Potatoes

With the Satusmaimo, I made VERY easy and yummy dumplings.

Satsumaimo Odango (dumplings)

Half a satsumaimo
Few tablespoons of vanilla soymilk (or milk, or cream, or any other type of milk you like)
Few drops of vanilla extract
Sesame seeds

Rinse Satsumaimo under running water, pat dry
Slice satsumaimo into 1/2 inch rings (keep skin on)
Place in microwavable plate, cover loosely with plastic wrap, and heat on high for 2-3 minutes, or until it becomes very tender
Remove skins
Mash up satsumaimo with a fork like mashed potato. Splash in some milk and vanilla and mash some more. (Add more milk if you like it creamy, add less if you like it thick and chunky)
Roll into odango (balls) and sprinkle with sesame seeds.



a little treat!

a little treat!

I like mine with a LOT of sesame seeds on it. It tastes more “Japanese” that way 🙂

This is a delicious, naturally sweet, LOW calorie treat. It has tons of benefits of the sweet potato like fiber, and is VERY satisfying. Have this when you are craving ice cream, or anything thick and creamy. There’s no way you can ‘overeat’ these!

You can also use this as a topping on cakes, corn flakes, yogurt or ice cream (if you must have both! 🙂 ) Just put it in a zip loc bac, snip off the corner, and squeeze!

I also made satsumaimo fries. I cut up the potato into French Fry size, drizzled 3 tbsp olive oil on it, sprinkled salt on it, and baked it in the oven for 30 min at 400 degrees F, turning once.

Like a drug!

Like a drug! (photo by James. He's so much more creative than I am!)

These are simply ADDICTIVE. James is hooked on these! So easy, fast, and HEALTHY. The natural sweetness of the satsumaimo makes these way too good to resist! A guilt free treat!

More info on Satsumaimo:

It originated in Mexico
It is named after the Satsuma region of Japan (current day Kagoshima area)
It is rich in calcium, Vitamin C, kalium, and dietary fiber (Vitamin C levels are comparable to Grapefruits!)
It is usually harvested in the fall. (all my memories of eating satsumaimo are in the winter)
It is yummy as tempura, roasted (yaki imo) glazed with sugar, microwaves/steamed plain, or in salads
You can use it as you would a regular sweet potato or a yam

Sources: This article

You can buy satsumaimo in grocery stores. I got mine at Nikka Japanese Market in Calle Real Shopping Center in Goleta, and I’ve seen them at Farmers Markets too.


  1. Yum! I love japanese sweet potatoes grilled with a bit of salt. Absolutely scrumptious. 🙂

    Love reading your blog. Keep it up!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement Alicia! 🙂 Grilled satsumaimo is a winter favorite in my family too. In Japan, guys go round in trucks and bicycles selling ishi yaki imo on the streets. So fun!

  3. thats some yum yum

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